Why Join ConnTESOL?
Your annual membership dues help to support ConnTESOL, your local TESOL affiliate, and a major resource for professional development in the field of English Language Education in the State of Connecticut. Being a member of ConnTESOL is a valuable professional credential to include on your resume. Here are some of the services and benefits ConnTESOL provides annually:
- Organizes and hosts the annual ConnTESOL Conference
- Sponsors annual scholarships for four English Language Learners – three for high school students, and one for an adult ed. student
- Sends a representative to the TESOL Advocacy Summit annually, to support legislation that addresses the needs and interests of English Language Learners and educators in Connecticut
- Organizes and sponsors special workshops and professional development events
- Serves as a channel for updates on Connecticut State Department of Education policy information related to ELLs
- Offers members a variety of opportunities to network with other professionals in the state
Application for ConnTESOL Membership
The ConnTESOL membership year runs from annual conference to annual conference, meaning from the date of our annual conference held in the fall of one year to the date of our annual conference held in the fall of the following year.
Please contact BoardMembers@ConnTESOL.org
Changes to the ConnTESOL Constitution
Members may view the Constitution here.
Click here to see the ConnTESOL Constitution